Staying Busy as a Way to Fight Depression


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Iam struggling last 6 years with depression but pouring my heart out to friends helps. The necessary push and motivation I need I get from Brajesh – my fitness coach. He keeps me going and he suggested exercises which naturally generate chemicals which makes us feel happy. I can say that I do feel much better when I exercise.

Read more: Beating Depression Without Medication

Lots of hugs and kisses from Reya, my daughter, bring smiles. She makes my days bright. Fights and arguments with my husband keep me calm because he accepts that it’s just because of my illness. My marriage gives me stability.

My father my hero. Him holding my hand tightly helps me cross these cracked patches and gives me strength. Friends remind me that I am enough, I am good the way I am. They make efforts to take me out and have fun. Tough days go by easily, they help me to keep myself busy.

Read more: Tough Childhood Haunts me to This Day

Meditation gives me immense strength. Losing weight and lifting heavy weights makes me feel stronger. The moment I am trapped with unnecessary thoughts, I listen to music. I am pushing myself very hard not to miss my walk, gym, hugs, and kisses, crying over friends’ shoulder – the day gets quickly over… It’s with us but let’s fight it!

Medicine is important, I can’t afford to miss. This is a disease which makes us know ourselves better I have made few rules for myself so that I don’t get sunk in those low emotional feel days. I try hard to follow them.

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