There is a broad range of signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease, depending on the severity. This disease may occur in people of all ages who have suffered from an auto-immune disorder in which immune cells cause inflammation and damage parts of the digestive system. In some people, the disease may go into remission for a long time and may be without symptoms. However, the condition may suddenly appear and require a medical intervention and a prescribed medication ranging from anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, corticosteroids to biological therapy products. While some patients may continue to live a normal life, others may find it a bit difficult because of severe flare-ups.

Signs and symptoms of Crohn’s Disease tend to vary from mild to severe and may occur over time, sometimes without prior notice. Signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease are as follows:
The Inflammation is the most important feature of Crohn’s disease. The cells in the affected area of the intestine start to emit water a lot due to this inflammation. Since the large intestine cannot absorb excess fluid, diarrhea sets in. Contraction of the distorted intestine can also cause loose stools. People can suffer from just looser or more frequent stool than normal in mild cases. However, in severe cases, there may be several dozen intestinal movements in one day, affecting sleep and other normal activities.

Blood in Stool
Another severe sign of Crohn’s disease is a bleeding of the bowel. What happens is that food passing through the digestive tract results in bleeding of inflamed tissue, and the bowel may start bleeding. A bright red blood in the toilet bowl or darker blood mixed with stool can notice hidden one that cannot be seen. In extreme cases, this bleeding can become severe and persistent.
Abdominal Pain and Cramping
The walls of part of the bowel get swollen up and finally coated with scar tissue as a result of inflammation and ulceration in Crohn’s disease. Therefore, the proper movement of the contents of the intestine through the digestive tract is affected. This is responsible for mild intestinal pain, however, in severe cases, it can be severe and can occur as well as nausea and vomiting

The onset of Crohn’s disease begins with wounds here and there in the intestinal surface. Over time, these injuries turn into large ulcers that can penetrate deep into the intestinal walls.
Weight Loss and Decreased Appetite
Due to abdominal pain and contractions with an inflammatory reaction in the intestinal wall, appetite, the ability to absorb and digest food will be affected.
Other signs and symptoms of Crohn’s include fever, fatigue and problems that may occur outside the digestive tract. These problems include skin disorders, inflammation of eye, liver or bile duct.

Patients and caregivers should learn all they can about the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. This will help them learn when to seek medical help. Children with Crohn’s disease face many psychological problems and can face delayed puberty and stunted growth. Parents need to be in support, getting early medical help and must create a positive environment that will help them be safer.
The best option to maintain control signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease is to make some changes in diet and lifestyle.