A Recovering Crack Addict


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I have been a drug addict for most of my life. I come from a large family of alcohol and drug addicts, and I grew up watering my parents’ pot plants. My father was a cocaine dealer in the eighties and my mother was an alcoholic and an addict.

The first time I tried marijuana was at age of 14, my drug use progressed rapidly eventually leading me to become a crack addict by the time I was 28 years old. My life was on a downward spiral leading in and out of jail. It’s was so out of control.

Read more: My Addiction Journey

The breaking point of my addiction was when I did a home invasion on some drug dealer. At this time, there was a warrant for my arrest for violating a house. I hid out for two days after the home invasion and I felt like my life was ending very quickly.

This was my turning point, I went to jail and turned myself in, not knowing what the future had in store for me. I had to face my life which became totally out of my control. I thought I was going to prison, but I got a break and was sentenced to a half-way house for six months and five years’ probation.

When I got out of jail and was released to the halfway house, the first week I wanted to leave, I did not know how to be a regular person anymore. I was unsure of who I will be if I relapse. I wanted nothing more but to have that clean time again.

Read more: I have an Addiction and I don’t Know How to Fight it

Once again, I was blessed with another chance and I did it. I got off the crack. Something many people do not recover from, because it is usually too late when you cross that line. Luckily, I was able to. I went to college, got an associate degree, and I got my General Equivalency Diploma (GED) at 39. Now I am working as a full-time employee.

If you’re struggling with addiction, know that this is not your destination. Set small goals and gather the strength and courage to accomplish them, start new ones, and so forth.

I have gained strength from my struggle. You must know that will can change your habits. It takes 21 days to create a new habit, and life passes way too fast so take the 21 days to create a new habit.

Just do it! You have nothing to lose from trying.

My heart goes out to anyone sick or suffering.

Were you able to recover from addiction? Comment below to increase awareness!