Psoriasis: Symptoms, Causes, Effects, and Treatments


What are Psoriasis Symptoms?

Psoriasis symptoms can occur as a direct result of a severely reduced immune system. This ugly skin disease can cause severe inflammation and scaling and can appear anywhere on the body. The most common areas are the scalp, elbows, knees, back, stomach, and legs. Psoriasis symptoms affect about 7.5 million Americans and 2% to 3% worldwide. This accounts for about 125 million people in the world! Psoriasis does not discriminate against age, race, or gender, but it is more prevalent in colder climates. Many psoriasis treatments are topical and do not bring about remission. Most do not treat the root causes of psoriasis.

Psoriasis Causes

There are many different opinions as to what causes psoriasis and some believe that T-cells are responsible. T-cells cause excessive skin cell reproduction leading to a buildup of dead cells on the surface of the skin. This buildup can result in skin infections and patchy flakes. Others believe that it begins in the intestine and is determined by what you eat. Highly refined and processed junk food contains many additives and preservatives. Examples of these are soda, burgers, and many packaged convenient foodstuff. Consumption of refined sugars and processed food causes toxins and bloating in the intestines.

The harmful toxins in these types of junk food severely stress the liver. As a direct result, the immune system is also taxed. Because the liver is stressed trying to neutralize and break down these toxins, it soon becomes overburdened and cannot perform its other normal daily functions efficiently. The immune system then attempts to make the body safe by disposing any excess toxins through the skin. The toxins in the skin irritate it, causing itching and eventually psoriasis or eczema. T-cells try to repair the skin damage by producing new skin cells. This process may get out of control and the trigger for new cell production fails to turn off. This process can result in the typical reddened psoriasis plaques.

Types of Psoriasis

The most common psoriasis symptoms are plaque psoriasis or psoriasis vulgaris. Other types are inverse psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis and erythrodermic psoriasis which produce widespread areas or reddened and scaly skin.

Psoriasis diagnosis can be tricky as other skin diseases can often bear a resemblance. A doctor’s confirmation is necessary for correct diagnosis.

Effects of Psoriasis

People with this disease are more likely to have scars, cuts, and wounds from scratching the itchy surface of the skin. Because of the unattractive appearance of the condition, many people develop a certain level of depression and feel embarrassed. Having this disease makes them unable to control the itchiness and may not be able to help scratching when the symptoms flare up. There is a harmful myth that Psoriasis is contagious, and can worsen depression in those with the condition.

Psoriasis Treatment

Many psoriasis treatments do not work as expected and the ones currently on the market mainly suppress psoriasis symptoms. When this type of treatment ceases, the symptoms often worsen, leaving the sufferer with bigger problems. When the immune system is suppressed in this way, other more dangerous conditions may appear. This can include asthma amongst others. The only proper and effective way to treat psoriasis is to treat the root causes and the symptoms in conjunction with one another. A new psoriasis treatment gaining traction amongst psoriasis sufferers today actually fulfills these criteria. Many severe sufferers are seeing results in as little as 7 days. This effective new psoriasis treatment is mainly natural and works quickly to send severe psoriasis symptoms into remission.