Preparing for Christmas


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Up until a few weeks back I was doing fine…then work started. I have nothing against my job, I actually enjoy it. The big issue being, I’m on call. I hydro-blast at chemical/oil/etc. plants in Texas, and when I get called in, it’s good, enjoyable, fun…

Read more: The Struggle of a Wife

But there are so many times that I haven’t been called in, and it’s just because it’s “slow”. The reason I put slow in quotations is that while I only made 8 hours last week, they’re complaining about having to waste more money on people with overtime and guess what – there are guys making 80+ hours a week, and they’re complaining about paying overtime…

Read more: Non-Medical Treatment Alternatives to Fight Depression

Now you may ask how this affects my love life and family? Well, it’s really quite simple. This year I have taken it upon myself to get people Christmas presents. Hard to do that when you’re broke… While I thought it was a good idea, I’ve been mentally beating myself up because of it. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that right now, I can’t… My depression has been getting worse because of this, but I won’t let it overcome me.

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