Pregnant at 16 – My Story


Are you also a young mom? What advice would you give to others? Let us know in the Comments and Share this Story to show your Support!


got pregnant at 16. My story is not like others you’ve heard. I had little to no complications having a child at such a young age. The father of my baby and I actually planned it as we both love each other and decided to.

We are currently still together and very happy with our beautiful baby boy! He turns a year in just a few months and man, am I still tired! Lol! My boyfriend is in the National Guard. He was recruited a few months before we found out we were having a baby. We knew this was going to be an issue but we are both so good at discussing and finding solutions, so we knew we could do it.

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Eventually, we found out that he wouldn’t be able to be there for the labor or else he’d have to restart training. I have to admit that was so hard but we knew that there was nothing we could do.


In regards to telling my parents and family, that part was very hard. I come from a Mexican family and finding out that another one of your daughters is pregnant at a young age isn’t exactly what you want to hear. I know that I’m all over the place in this story but it feels like things have just happened so fast and it’s been so crazy, so I can’t fit it all in one story!

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I just want to let those expecting ladies or baby daddies know that you can get through this. It is incredibly hard but I can assure you that hearing your child call you ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’ is the best feeling ever. Even if you guys don’t work out, you still have to worry about your child and there shouldn’t be hate involved. Just be there for your kid and do your best.

We’re still young and school is a big thing. I am currently graduating a whole year before my class and I am a stay at home mom!


Are you also a young mom? What advice would you give to others? Let us know in the Comments and Share this Story to show your Support!