Pills Don’t Seem to Work in My Condition


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My name is Lisa Bayes I’ve had depression for about 20 years. I was molested when I was 4 years old and I have broken both my arms. My life has been very difficult I’ve had been shy most of my life and used to walk down the halls in high school with my head down.

I was made fun of during my whole life. I quit high school in the 12th grade because my little sister and I got into a fight in front of her little boy and I didn’t want to fight in front of her son. So, I quit school and moved out of my parents’ house.

Read more: Gratitude – How You Can Beat Depression

I have been on my own since then. I’ve been through domestic violence my whole life if not physical, it is mental abuse. It’s hard for me to get out of bed. I’ve stayed in bed for most of my life when I wasn’t working. I’ve had one daughter when I was 30, then 6 miscarriages after her. I just lay in bed and cry most of the time I’m just so tried going through this but can’t pull myself out of it.

I’ve seen a psychiatrist for 3 years and were on pills but didn’t seem to work. I’m 54 years old now and I am just so tired. I’ve not worked in 3 years because I need to have half knee replacement and that’s why I’m more depressed because I can’t even work now and been in a very bad relationship for 3 years.

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