Parts of the Body Which are Most Affected by Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple Sclerosis affects the central nervous system of the body. MS affects people differently according to the patient’s physical condition. Though there is no cure, the symptoms can be reduced with medication and treatment.

Which parts of the body are affected by Multiple Sclerosis?

Eyes: MS affects the optic nerve which causes many eye-related problems. Issues such as double and unclear vision are major symptoms of MS.

Speaking and swallowing: Multiple sclerosis results in slurred speech, hoarseness, or change in the voice. This occurs during the time of relapse. Sclerosis can also cause difficulty swallowing. When the nerves are damaged, the muscles involved in swallowing are weakened thus causing difficulty swallowing and food going down the wrong way. When food or water enters the lungs, it can cause other infections like aspiration pneumonia. However, swallowing problems are very rare in sclerosis. Both problems should be treated immediately in the initial stages.

Breathing problems: When the nerves are damaged due to slurred speech, the muscle controlling the chest is weakened which causes difficulty breathing. In such a situation, it is recommended to consult a respiratory therapist.

Affects central nervous system: Immune cells damage the myelin sheath which is responsible for sending and receiving stimuli. In such cases, the connection between the body and the brain is damaged. This can result in dizziness, memory loss, vertigo, and emotional changes. In advanced stages, it can result in seizures and cognitive problems.

Affects skeletal structure of the body: Due to treatment and use of medications, bones may be weakened. This can result in fractures and broken bones. In other cases, it may cause Osteoporosis. However, this condition can be improved by physical activity.

Numbness of arms and legs: The motor nerves can sometimes be damaged which can result in numbness and inactivity. In worst case scenarios, the brain may fail to send proper signals which can negatively affect the coordination between legs and arms.

Circulatory system: MS can damage the muscles in the chest which in turn can result in breathing problems and a low oxygen supply. These issues can worsen to become cardiovascular disease. Physical activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Reproductive system: Due to nerve damage, it can cause sexual dysfunction such as difficulty in arousal or orgasm. It is a common problem in people affected with multiple sclerosis.  Depression can also cause sexual dysfunction. It makes intimacy unappealing due to low self-esteem. Women are more affected than men.

Bladder and Bowel Function

Multiple sclerosis increases the urge to urinate. This is due to nerve damage caused by the disease. Bowel problems like diarrhea and constipation may occur.

These are the parts of the body which are affected by multiple sclerosis. Though there are many medications to treat these problems, Multiple Sclerosis cannot be cured. These problems can be controlled, and symptoms can be reduced.