I had over 20 Brain Lesions


What was your biggest challenge when you got your Diagnosis? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

In May 2005, I was having a funny feeling in my back.

So I decided to go to the hospital with a diagnosis of wearing tight pants, which I don’t wear.
Weeks past on when I started to have numbness on the right side of my face.

I went to my loving grandparents. My grandmother said that I should see a doctor. I went to my co-worker (doctor), at the time, which suggested that I do a CT scan. That scan showed over 2 big lesions on my brain. That same doctor suggested that I should see a neurologist.

At that point I did test after test; MRI findings were over 20 lesions on my brain. At that point, he diagnosed me Multiple Sclerosis. I went through different medications.

I’ve been near death experience. My family thought I had lost my mind nearly two years. I was in the hospital for five days. It’s over 12 years now since I’ve been diagnosed.

I want to thank God for the people that were placed in my life at this certain time. Someone that would be with me no matter what the circumstances that may arrive. I will never take for granted these special people. I’ll be forever grateful and blessed.

Never give up and I hoped that I’ve touched your heart.

What was your biggest challenge when you got your Diagnosis? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.