I Am Only 20 Years Old and I Have Depression


Have you learned anything new about yourself after you got Diagnosed? What is that? Share to show your Support! 

Hello, I’m 20 years old and I have depression.

It all started after I had my daughter at 18. At that time it was considered postpartum depression. I never had thoughts about hurting myself or my daughter but I did have bad thoughts about myself.

It started because I was embarrassed about my weight, I felt ugly I was so used to being that size 0 and I went from 0 to 9 in just a few months.

Read more: My Struggle with Postpartum Depression

And a month after having my daughter I found out my spouse was talking to another girl. That made it worse. I never told anyone I didn’t talk to anyone about my problems because I was so embarrassed.

Months go by, and I still haven’t told anyone I ended getting on the implant birth control and that made my depression worse. Because of the hormones in it, my body didn’t react well to it and I ended up gaining another 30 pounds.

I was at my worst I cut people off cause I was so embarrassed by myself. I would go to family gatherings but would only stay for like an hour and go back home eventually. 2 years later I finally got the courage to take it out and I started working out and trying to gain my confidence again.

When I had my birth control removed literally 2 days later, I felt so relieved, as if all my problems had been lifted off my shoulders.

Read more: Depression is a Part of my Life

Ever since then I have less depressed thoughts, I’m more open to talking to people about my problems I’ve lost about 20 pounds since and I’ve sought help for depression which helped so much.

Have you learned anything new about yourself after you got Diagnosed? What is that? Share to show your Support!