Online Support Can Be the Best Medicine


Have you learned anything new about yourself after you got Diagnosed? What is that? Share to Raise Awareness!

I have had migraines since I was 12 but I became chronic April of 2015. It just happened one day and has yet to stop. No one can tell me why or how to make it stop but I keep on going. I just made it sound so simple, but it really isn’t.

I’m a single mom so, I can’t stop working or the bills don’t get paid. By the time I get home, I’m exhausted. I’m sure you can imagine that I don’t really take as good care of myself as I should, and a maid is high on my wish list. I feel so isolated, but it’s not as bad as it was. I learned a few things over the past 3 years….ok. I learned a lot. I began to really research migraines and realized how big it really was and how I couldn’t continue alone. I found support groups on Facebook and suddenly, I’m not so alone anymore.

Read more: Learning to Cope with Migraines

I could get support and advice and give it. I was able to try new things and eventually get a slight improvement, which I will take any day! I was able to better advocate for myself when I met with my new neurologist yesterday, and for the first time in a very very long time, I was able to be myself and have a pain level of three ALL day. I have a hope of getting a quality of life back I thought I wouldn’t have again, all because I reached out.

If nothing else, I hope someone who reads this knows that they are not alone, and we are out there waiting to support them on their journey to getting better, no matter how long the journey.

Have you learned anything new about yourself after you got Diagnosed? What is that? Share to Raise Awareness!