Negative Effects of Birth Control Implant


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I used the Depo-Provera birth control shot for 2 years. Doctors warned me that there might be severe side effects, but I did not experience any of them, as far as I’m aware. I had been previously diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, so it could have made it worse, but I cannot say that for sure. However, I got pregnant while using it. It was not a pleasant experience.

Read more: Side Effects of Birth Control Implant

Even though we were shocked, my partner and I decided to keep the baby since we were together for a long time and the situation was not an issue. We were very young and we were not prepared mentally or financially for a child. We managed to find a way and make it work. My boyfriend got a job, working full time. Later on, I got a job as well so we could provide all the necessary things for a baby.

Read more: Coping with Depression

It really put a strain on our relationship, but we managed to get through it. After my daughter was born, I again wanted to find the right contraception. It was good at first, but then my depression started to get worse and worse. It was probably the mix of postpartum depression, but also the effect of the implant as well. This is why I decided to get it out. Things started to improve, and I got a better medication. Now we just use condoms, and everything has been good.

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