Natural Ways to Treat Migraines


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Once I was diagnosed by my doctor with migraines, there were many things I did to improve my health. I eat less food that contains caffeine. I eat more fruits and vegetables. I avoid drinks that contain caffeine as well. I exercise at least 3 days a week. I go for walks in the park and also exercise on my elliptical machine at home.

I find time to de-stress. I have a designated time and area where I spend time with myself and relax. This helps to relieve any stress I may be feeling. I also started practicing meditation to relieve tight muscles in my neck and head or I go for massages and like to either soak in a hot bath or take a hot shower. These are some ways that I have improved since I have been diagnosed with migraines.

Read more: Life-long Migraine Sufferer

It really helped me to join migraine support groups offline and online. The support really helped me to see that I am not the only person suffering from this condition. Also support from family and friends really helps. When dealing with migraines I found it is best to not only focus on your physical health but also focus on your mental health as well. I hope this helps you like it helped me.

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