My Worst Enemy – Anxiety


Has anxiety also taken over your life? Share Your Tips and Techniques that help you feel better!

Anxiety has taken over my life. I have never been medically diagnosed but I know it’s there and it’s my biggest problem. I remember when I was in school I always dreaded doing a class project, knowing they had to be presented in front of the entire class. I would wait to be the last one to go. Meanwhile, my mind was going crazy and my hands were all clammy. Later on, it just progressed and reflected on all aspects of my life.

Read more: Anxiety Controls My Life

It really stops me from doing anything. I feel like I am running in circles. I have a fear of interviews, my mind goes blank and I sit looking like an idiot. Talking on the phone, meeting new people and going out of my home other than to work are things I have always tried to avoid and still do.

Read more: Anxiety Took the Steering Wheel – I Took It Back

It really sucks because it takes meeting new people to create any type of relationship. I’ve never liked doing things alone. I was going places when I would make sure it’s a time not many people will be around. I think medication and or therapy could help me tremendously, but I don’t know where or how to start. I guess this would be one of those situations where my anxiety comes into play.

Has anxiety also taken over your life? Share Your Tips and Techniques that help you feel better!