My Story of living with RA


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I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when I was 23. Looking back, I had numerous symptoms before the diagnosis for many years. Throughout my high school years, I had constant burning, inflammation, and difficulty moving my feet constantly. I would have times of flare-ups as well.

Read more: A Painful Life: Having Three Diseases

My pain was relatively disregarded until I demonstrated the continuity of complaint. I finally got somewhere, and someone looked at my feet, but nothing came out of it. One day, when I was 22, I woke up in the morning and couldn’t bend my left ring finger. It was the size of a sausage, and I could not move it, and I had severe pain.

Eventually, I was seen by a rheumatologist, and after about a year of monitoring my symptoms in my feet and hands, I finally got the diagnosis. I felt really relieved and happy because someone was finally listening and able to help me. I’ve been on meds for about 2 two years now, and they are really helping. I tried to take a few at once but the side effects were not great, so I am only on one now. I am really thankful that I am feeling better.

Read more: Handling Rheumatoid Arthritis at the Age of 15

In addition to that, I stay active on a daily basis, and I am very health conscious. I eat only lean meats, fish and vegetables and I do not drink alcohol. I still have days where I have joint issues and do not feel well, but I am doing well and stay positive throughout this process. I have a great family support system and a partner who is really supportive of me. Best of luck to anyone who reads this and lives with RA.

How did your condition begin and progressed to where it is today? Share to Raise Awareness!