My Son has ADHD


What is your experience with ADHD medications? Show your support by Sharing the Blog!

I have a son who has been diagnosed with ADHD. I have never been diagnosed with ADHD but I suffer from anger issues. It is a daily struggle but with medication, it’s becoming a little easier to deal with. I knew when my son was 2 years old that he has ADHD. He has had a hard time sitting still and was constantly on the go.

Read more: My ADHD Story

I couldn’t accept the idea of having him checked for ADHD because I knew that if he had it he would need medication and I didn’t like the idea of having to put him on medicine. It was getting harder to deal with him not sitting still and always in action, so I finally decided to have him evaluated and the doctor knew right away that he had ADHD.

Read more: My Kids Have ADHD and I Suffer from Depression and Anxiety

He is doing really well now with the meds and I just hope and pray he continues to do well and is able to manage his ADHD. I have a brother that was diagnosed with ADHD as well and the medicine that he was put on never did him any good. He was always in a lot of trouble as a kid and by the time he was eighteen he winded up spending time in jail. He has managed to stay off medication since then and has done very well. I’m hoping my son will be able to manage his ADHD without medication as well.

What is your experience with ADHD medications? Show your support by Sharing the Blog!