My Life with Chronic Pancreatitis


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I was hit head-on by a tractor-trailer in 2004 and suffer from chronic pancreatitis.

I have no motility in my colon or intestine, My rectum has no function this is because this tractor-trailer driver lied in his logs drove for 6 days straight and hit me head on so now I live with chronic pain every day.

Read more: Pain Management

When my colon is full and my pancreas is inflamed I have nausea, vomiting, fevers, and have to be NPO and have TPN fluids IV. This is not fun.

The chronic pain that I endure every day is very hard. I have had a colostomy bag and I’m due to have my colon removed 4/10/18.

Because of this, it makes my pancreatitis up more. I have had stents placed many times which has helped too.

The thing that is hard and I’m sure some might have experienced this – it is taken lightly in the medical field. When you go to the hospital with conditions like mine because my Dr’s send me and it just causes depression.

Read more: I Am Dealing with Chronic Pain because of My Broken Back

My pain is real it can be seen on scans and blood test that there is an issue its just chronic and I don’t know what or where to go for pain specialist new to the area.

All I know every day is a fight for me and I’m 49 so I just keep pushing to survive. Because I’m a survivor and will not let a tractor-trailer who almost took my life from me, win.

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