My Life, My Depression


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My battle with life, and depression…

My life was all dandy and all that shit up until I was about 10 years old, my parents got divorced, I was broken, a 10-year-old left in his tracks of not knowing what was fully going on, my egg donor had custody of me.

I would visit my dad’s house every other weekend and those were the best times, he had gotten an Xbox so I had something to do while I was there and we would talk and play games and it was great.

Read more: In and Out of Depression

At my dad’s I was always happy, but I’d return back to my aunt’s house where there were 7 people living in a small house and it was just hell.

Fast forward a couple years, and my egg donor, myself and my brother moved out, at this time I was 14-15 years old. Just starting out in high school and all that fun…stuff….to say the least, living with my egg donor was still hell but I got to visit my dad’s every other week instead of the weekend.

Bring a bigger kid in high school wasn’t always fun, kids would pick and prod and do what kids do, I’d tell my parents about it and my egg donor would tell me to get over it, but my dad would tell me to stand up for myself.

Read more: Depression: The Most Rejected One

I turned 16 and I realized something was different about me: I was bisexual. My dad was supportive but my religious egg donor told me that it was ridiculous. I personally don’t think she knows what bi is.

I currently live with my dad, his girlfriend, and her 4 kids in Texas, the only reason I’m depressed still is cause I’m a long way from Wisconsin.

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