My Job Triggered Depression


What was your first Reaction when you got your Diagnosis? Share to Raise Awareness!

For me, depression was something I never thought I could be diagnosed with. I am the type that could handle stressful situations of any kind. That was until one situation triggered my depression. I got in trouble for time and attendance and was suspended for it. I have been at my job for seven years and never received any reprimands for anything because I was always a performer and my evaluations shown it.

Read more: All The Things My Depression Made Me Believe

When I got suspended, all of the stress and anxiety that I have built up inside of me suddenly came out, and I was losing my mind. So, I sought the help of a therapist through my job program. Meeting her was a blessing. She helped me understand my feelings and provide guidance on how to deal with situations that I can’t handle. From there, I started to feel better, but there is still some work that needs to be done.

What was your first Reaction when you got your Diagnosis? Share to Raise Awareness!