My Diabetes Story


What was the biggest challenge after being diagnosed? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

I was diagnosed with diabetes.

After being checked into a care center for rehabilitation they checked my sugar level and it was 400 and something, then a few days later it was up to over 600.

So they started me out with insulin to cover me and a long-acting insulin that I take early every morning. I was doing great until I was outside smoking a cigarette and my sugar bottomed out.

They got me into a wheelchair and brought me inside and started me drinking juice and eating pudding to get my sugar back up.

I have now gotten to a very good level in the morning which runs between 102 and 125. In the afternoon it goes up to 150 or below.

That is because we have coffee and snack. But I am learning to eat better and I am keeping my numbers better than when I came in here.

What was the biggest challenge after being diagnosed? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.