My Death Date


How do you fight Depression? Share to Raise Awareness!

Four months ago, I was in an almost fatal car accident at work. I felt like my life was over but I was still breathing. I was unable to even get out of bed without assistance. I fell into a deep state of depression and loneliness that was unimaginable. Between feeling helpless and regular life struggles, I didn’t know how to adapt and also didn’t want to be labeled crazy.

Read moreSevere Depression as a Permanent Condition

I laid in bed for months knowing I needed help to get through the issue. I’m in therapy now trying to live again as I would say. The fact that I took mental help first aid training helped me cope with my own issues in the beginning. I hope that my battle can help someone else with their fight. While I’m not on any medication right now, just the fact of having someone to talk to is a very important part of recovery.

Read more: Beating Depression without Medication

I never thought I was depressed, I was just feeling blue. The tiredness irritated me all day, high blood pressure, constant headaches, lack of sex drive, mood swings. All of that attributed to the depression. I’m an employee in the health department. It was required as education but it ended up being something that helped save my life.

Some people commit suicide because they do not have a social outlet to help them get over depression. They have no way to release. thank god for all of the free outlets for people who suffer from depression.

How do you fight Depression? Share to Raise Awareness!