Mrsa sepsis


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A couple of years ago, I almost died from MRSA sepsis. I didn’t really have any actual warnings, so I couldn’t know what was wrong with me. I was hallucinating and wandering the streets without an understanding of what’s happening to me. After being in that kind of a situation, I can now understand how some people become homeless when they have mental disorders. It is not easy to be physically and psychologically unwell and without any help.

Fortunately for me, the doctors did discover what it was, and they did cure it, but in the process is caused long-term damage – it caused a lot of sciatica pain on both sides my left and my right, and I will probably be on medication for the rest of my life. It has been a really rough journey, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope that the awareness about MRSA sepsis will be on a higher level in the near future, so people can learn to recognize it on time and get the right treatment.

Did you have any unusual symptoms before you got your diagnosis? Share to Raise Awareness!