My Mom Helped Me with My Osteoarthritis Journey


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I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis several years ago.

Osteoarthritis runs in my family for several generations. My hands have been greatly affected and are becoming more painful and more distorted every year. I was talking with my mom one day about the appearance of my hands and how it bothers me.

Read more: Living with Osteoarthritis and Without Pain Killers

She said to me “let me see your hands”. And in her great and wonderful way, always trying to make me feel better, she says to me “look, your hands don’t look much different than mine. Don’t worry you’ll be okay.” I said Mom do you realize you’re 30 years older than me. She looked at me, shrugged her shoulders, and said be grateful… You do have hands, some don’t. Then gave me a big hug.

Read more: I Have Osteoarthritis in My Right Hip

After that day, I have never been bothered by the appearance of my hands. Twisted and painful as they may be, I am grateful for every day I get to use them. Mom made it all better.

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