Missed chance to say goodbye


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On 05/02/2017 who would’ve thought it would have turned into the end of THE END! Well, let’s talk about it – I got the worst call a person can get in life. My mommy was dying, and there was NOTHING anybody could do to stop it. I was living at the time in Nevada, but all of my family were living in California so getting a call like that sent chills down my body.

Read more: Severe Depression as a Permanent Condition

I attempted to make arrangements to come to be with my mom before she passed. I got an emergency flight and scheduled it but, my driver couldn’t find the airport, so we missed 3 flights. I was actually at the airport standing in the lobby when they called and said she passed away. We were the best of friends and talked EVERY single day. So, this, as you can imagine, took a major toll on my life. I’ve suffered from depression ever since.

Read more: Depression: The Most Rejected One

The things I used to enjoy became the past. All I can think of is how I never got to say goodbye or offer ANY comfort to her. I think about these things pretty much 24/7 nonstop. It’s been so hard that me and my hubby fell off big time! Sometimes the depression is so overwhelming I literally just sulk for hours out of the day. I feel in getting better as time goes by but it NEVER completely goes away.

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