Miss MS and Me

Miss MS and Me

What’s the most frustrating part of MS for you? Share to Show your Support!

I’m Laura but prefer Loz. For the last few years, we have been living on a friend’s farm in Mandalong. It has been great, and I loved the space, but due to being sick the last year, getting worse as time went on, and many doctors telling me it was just stress… Umm yeah, I was stressed. I went to bed fine, and when I woke up, I wasn’t able to feel my feet. It took me five tries to find a doctor that didn’t think I was “crazy” until I found my current medical team.

Read more: Multiple Sclerosis Knocked Me Down But I Got Back Up

My condition was worsening for seven months, and it was very very scary – I couldn’t feel my flipping feet… that’s not normal. The headaches were really bad, so my wonderful doctor sent me off to an MRI and to see a neurologist. Fifteen minutes after neurologist saw my MRI I was admitted into the hospital for three days for brain infection and steroid treatment for MS!

Wait, what is happening? So, I am not crazy, I knew it! I was honestly just so relieved that I wasn’t told “it’s just stress” and it didn’t really sink in just how much this was about to change my life. You see, I ran my own company as a laborer/telecommunications tech – very physical job. It required me to go up ladders, work on telephone poles, dig holes, go in roofs and under houses to fix phone and internet lines…as you could imagine this was not something someone who can’t feel their feet properly should or could be doing.

Read more: Staying Positive

This means my company is folding and I am now unable to work and run my company as I currently use a cane for balance, pass out if my BP drops and get dizzy when I bend or stand to quickly. I’ve had another three MS relapses – I lost feeling in right side of my body in parts, arm and 2 fingers/hand up to my elbow, right foot, and shin up to my knee. My vision is blurred in right top 1/4 of my right eye, and the headache to boot-optical neuritis- swelling of ocular nerve makes it sore to look at bright lights, and well anything. Sunglasses are a must as I find the brighter it is, the more annoyed my eye gets.

I was diagnosed with RRMS, but with the speed and progression of my MS, it’s looking like I have PPMS. This means now have lost feeling in right leg and 1/3 of my right arm. During relapses, I am brought to use a cane for balance and fall over my own 2 left feet at the moment. Due to this lovely little MS monster, I can no longer live the way I used to. With a few adjustments and a therapy puppy, I am back in the gym and physiotherapy is helping. As they say “use it or lose it,” so that’s where I’m at. Feel free to ask me questions. I’m still learning about this as I go, and it can be very daunting, but support groups are wonderful. Sending love and healing vibes to all.

What’s the most frustrating part of MS for you? Share to Show your Support!