Migraines: Here’s What People Don’t See


Migraines are like an Iceberg. An Iceberg has over 90% of its mass below the surface. Meaning that you don’t see 90% of the iceberg. This is a good metaphor for Migraines as its effects are not always outward facing. You don’t necessarily know all the symptoms that someone might be facing because some of them happen internally in the body or in private. Usually these other invisible symptoms are only shown to those with the disease or the loved ones they talk to about it

We have a Facebook Group called My Migraine Support Group, where we discuss all these Hidden Symptoms. It’s a great support system for those who suffer from migraines, have a loved one with them, or caregiving for someone with Migraines. We have over 6,400 members and would love to have you join us in the conversation.