Migraine Terminology, What You Should Know


Migraine 101:

Migraine: A reoccurring headache that affects usually one side of the head and joined with the feelings of nausea and vision problems.

Aura: While many people think that these only affect vision that’s not necessarily the case. It can affect any of the body’s senses. Some common symptoms include blind spots in vision, zigzag patterns, temporary vision loss in part of the eyes, flashing lights, hallucinations, numbness, and having trouble speaking.

Headache Day: This is a way to measure how often you have headaches by length of time. Usually measured in one month periods.

Migraine Attack: A headache that has moderate or severe pain that lasts for four or more hours. It can include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and smells, and aura’s.

Trigger: Anything that might cause a migraine attack to happen. This can be anything from smells, certain foods, weather, stress, and others.

Types of Migraines:

Basilar-type migraine: This type of migraine is often characterized by confusion, equilibrium issues, dizziness, and pain at the bottom of the skull.

Chronic migraine: Defined as a Migraine that occurs for more than 15 days per month for at least a 3 month period.

Episodic migraine: Defined as a migraine that occurs for up to 14 days per month

Hemiplegic migraine: This type of migraine is associated with paralysis on one side of the body that is temporary. Other symptoms could include vertigo, a stabbing feeling, vision and speech problems, as well as some problems with swallowing.

Transformed Migraine: This type of migraine usually happens alongside tension headaches, and usually occurs daily.

Menstrual Migraine: A migraine that happens when estrogen levels change often during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. Usually found in women but can happen in men as well.

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SOURCE: http://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/what-is-a-migraine-with-aura#1