I’m Lucky I Survived Giving Birth


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Anemia can be debilitating and for me, it has been life-threatening.

During the birth of my final child Hannah, I could already tell something was going wrong. Usually, the birth of a child is painful, but it does not burn to the degree that I was feeling and I was way more fatigued than I usually was.

Read more: I Almost Died while Giving Birth

My stomach started to burn and sure enough, as she came out I began to crash. I was bleeding out and the doctors could not control it, thirteen doctors had to rush into my room and I left my husband in charge of our baby.

They were entirely sure that I was going to die, but honestly, I looked over at my child and had the will to live. Somehow they were able to get things to calm down and after almost a week in the hospital, I was able to go home and to be with my kids.

Read more: Living with Anemia

Anemia is a scary experience and for me, the easy cures never worked. I have even had an iron transfusion and still have had bleeding issues. This is why I purposely chose to study nutrition so that way I knew which were the iron-rich fortified foods that I could help increase my iron with.

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