The Love of My Family Helped Me Get Better


Is there one special Family member that helped you survive? Who is that and how did that person help you? Tell us in the comments!

My story begins in late 2013. I don’t remember a lot but I do remember being sad.

I shook it off as just some teenage angst, going through teenage emotions. It wasn’t until 2014 to 2015 that I genuinely started to get worried not only about myself in general but my psyche.

I will be honest, I was never really bullied by anyone but myself. I think that’s why I don’t give my depression a lot of ground to stand on. I had always thought that there were people out there are way worse than I was who had so much more going on.

Read more: I Tried to Kill Myself, but Now I Choose to Live

Then, I ended up in the emergency room in October 2015. I was planning on killing myself, anyway that I could without pain.

The thing is, I didn’t like the pain, in fact, that is what I was trying to get away from. The pain from existing was too much, even though that probably sounds very dramatic.

Again, I didn’t want to be such a big deal so I waited for my mother to leave. Not a lot was going through my head at the time, I was just looking at ways that I could possibly do it in a short amount of time.

I wasn’t thinking how my mom would react when she got home to find her daughter not alive anymore. I didn’t take into consideration my family and how they would feel.

Read more: My Family is the Reason I’m Fighting the Depression

Now, I am still struggling, but now I have a bit more consideration for other people’s feelings. I struggle daily but no matter how hard it gets I keep remembering that I do have something to live for and that is my family.


Is there one special Family member that helped you survive? Who is that and how did that person help you? Tell us in the comments!