Living with Rosacea


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I have suffered from rosacea for quite a while now. I went to talk to a dermatologist to see what my options were to try and get it under control. He started me on a medication stating it probably would not work, but we tried it anyway. Needless to say, it didn’t work. When I went back for my follow-up, he said my only other option would be laser treatment which would not be covered by insurance and explained it is a very expensive treatment.

Read more: My Skin Condition Put Me Through Hell

So, here I am with no cure in sight. I constantly have scabs and bruises on my face because any minor scratch or scuff will open up my thin skin and immediately start bleeding profusely. Yes, I can wear makeup to cover it up, but it requires so much and looks awful, so I just go naked. Today, my mother-in-law asked me why I haven’t had it treated, and I explained what the doctor said. My father-in-law came into our conversation asking me if it affects me and I told him yes, it’s embarrassing.

Read more: My Eczema Story

People always point out my red skin and say I must have been in the sun a lot lately. I get tired of explaining that no, I don’t spend time in the sun because it just makes it worse. I just simply say yes, I had been in the sun just to get off the conversation as quickly as possible. It has spread from just my face, down onto my chin and further down onto my chest. I have to be very careful with my face because it bleeds so easily and I lose a lot of blood from the capillaries being so close to the surface of my skin. This is what I deal with every day.

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