Living with Chronic Pain


How do you deal with chronic pain? Share your techniques in the Comments below!

Hi everyone, I here to discuss how I deal with lower back pain following two back surgeries.

At first, after my surgery, I felt so helpless. I needed help doing just about everything. But as I got physically stronger I realized what was holding me back was my emotions.

Half the battle was the pain but the other half was my self-pity. One day I woke up and decided I was never going to manage the pain until I accepted the fact that it would never be the same again.

Read more: My Knee and Back Problems

Once I dealt with that, the true recovery began. I knew that I had to push myself every day. To never give up. I am proud of what I have accomplished.

Once I would have complained that I couldn’t walk that extra 15 min. Now I catch myself. Yes, I can do whatever I put my mind to.

Don’t get me wrong I still have days where the pain does get to me, and I will tell myself “tomorrow is another day” The old saying “If you don’t use it, you lose it” took on a whole new meaning.

Read more: I Am Dealing with Chronic Pain because of My Broken Back

I thank goodness for every day that I can walk. I look at the positive instead of focusing on the negative. I hope this story reaches someone that needs encouragement.

You are stronger than you give your self-credit for. Never give up the will to better yourself every day.

How do you deal with chronic pain? Share your techniques in the Comments below!

Thank you ~ Karen