Life with COPD


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Hello, I have been living with COPD since 2010. I was cleaning iron water out of the bathtub with bleach and starting having trouble breathing. Also, at that time I had been smoking for 30 years. This disease not only changed me but everything around my loved ones and me. I went to lung rehab in 2010 and 2011 and felt my life was as close to being on track as I was ever going to be.

Read more: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

I had to leave work and was approved for disability in 37 days as my ex-was given that I would only live a year or so. It was a burden that I don’t wish on anyone. I found that it was harder for me to walk, clean, or do things that I had done before. I have done everything as instructed by my lung doctor, and I have had 3 flare ups and had to be in the hospital.

Read more: Why You Should Listen to Your Parents When They Tell You to Stop Smoking

I never go anywhere without wearing a mask. I think the mask has helped me not get sick as often. Some of my family members don’t understand why I take so much medicine and want me to quit it all and eat healthily and walk. I also have type 2 diabetes and when you have to choose between eating and buying medicine its very scary. I miss working and being able to do the things I use to, but I am so blessed, and I pray that I can control this nasty disease and not let it control me.

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