My Life with Bipolar Disorder


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I just don’t seem to know who or what I am most times.

Read more: Learning to cope with a Bipolar Disorder

I wake up and I can be crying but I’m not sure what about. Sometimes I’m angry and I have no explanation as to why. I have different mood swings and everyone around me shrugs it off and blames it on bipolar but I feel it’s something more.

My mom and everyone else doesn’t seem to pay too much attention to it like it’s not something serious but it affects me in my everyday life. It affects the relationships I try to form with those around me and it makes me feel I’ll be single forever because there’s no guy that can put up with it.

Read more: Living Life with Bipolar Disorder

Living with bipolar disorder is really hard. Sometimes I feel so alone, but I have faith that people will start understanding me and that I will not feel like this anymore.

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