My Life with Anxiety


How do you cope with anxiety? Share your techniques in the Comments and Share the Blog to Raise Awareness!

I have always had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I live a normal life with all the constant worrying and fear that took over. I couldn’t enjoy the things I wanted to.

I would get so anxious that I would shut myself away from the world. I didn’t like being around people or things that stressed me out and caused me to worry. I was the one who took multiple medications, which I have been on since my early teens, just to pretend that I was happy and not dread waking up every morning. I have tried so many ways to cope with anxiety but none seem to work. So, I suffer through the best way I can.

Read more: Every Day is a Struggle with Anxiety

I hated my life with medications because I didn’t want to do what everyone wanted me to. I thought that I could get better on my own. However, it was just false hope that I told myself every day. I said that I could live without medications, others said I could as well. So, I tried but anxiety, dread, and depression ruled my life, causing me to spiral down even further.

It wasn’t until horses came into my life, which caused me to channel my energy and life in a new direction. I finally felt happy and free. I was grateful that God led me in that direction.

Read more: Techniques for Overcoming with Anxiety

Today, I struggle with being a single mom who has mental illnesses and trying to pretend that everything is fine when in reality, it’s not. I wish that I could just sleep my life away. I try to function the best I can for my kids, who rely on me.

How do you cope with anxiety? Share your techniques in the Comments and Share the Blog to Raise Awareness!