My Journey with Cluster Migraines


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I was reading another ladies story about ‘Why does the sun hate me’. I feel the same when I go outside and just squint and then the mini headache starts. Once I put on my reading glasses that auto tint in bright light, it seems to be better but not gone.

The sun seems super blinding bright on those days that I already felt the pain. My doctor gave me this prescription and it’s an onset med to stop the pain. I haven’t had to use them since she gave them to me in December.

Read more: Migraine Life

The headaches that turn to migraines are because I have allergies and I live in the high desert in California. The constant battle to just open the door. Right now, the winds are 20mph with rain in sight.

I was out today and I’m the wind and had to blow my nose 2xs in 2 hours. It mainly stopped because I was on the bus and away from the door. The wind has it cold so no windows were open and the heater was on low on the bus.

Read more: Stress is the Reason for my Migraines

Migraines are very real and at one point I was told I had a cluster migraine because it would move. They are chronic as well because all I can do is lay down or if I do go to another room or downstairs, I have to stay there for a while.

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