Does Insurance Cover for Chronic Migraines?


Migraines can strike at any time. They come quickly and seem to last forever. Anyone who has ever had a migraine knows how severe the pain can be. A migraine is much more than your regular headache. It is a type of headache usually associated with sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, and vomiting. There are many things that can trigger migraines and sometimes not a lot that can be done to treat them. The instance of migraines is more prevalent in women than in men.

More than 30 million people in the United States have suffer from migraines. The age range which migraines affect is between 25 and 45 years of age. Migraines often occur when people focus heavily on their jobs and families and do not necessarily have the time to take care of their health as they should. Three quarters of the reported cases are in women.

Getting a Life Insurance Policy for your Migraine

The demand for life insurance when you have an unfavorable state of health can make the process a little more difficult. Depending on the severity of the condition, your claim may be classified as below standard – meaning you have to pay a higher premium amount for your coverage – or you may be deprived of coverage.

Although migraine headaches are not life threatening, they often require certain medications that can affect heart rate. The frequent symptoms of headaches – especially severe headaches – could also be an indication of other more serious health problems.

You can get insurance coverage in most cases; those who suffer from migraines will generally qualify for traditional medical insurance coverage. Usually, the insurance company will require the candidate to perform a medical examination before obtaining approval unless you have chosen a life insurance policy without a medical examination.

Here are some of the questions you will need to answer with as much detail as possible to ensure you’re being quoted accurately:

  • What is your original date of diagnosis (or at least the earliest date of known migraine symptoms)?
  • How often do you usually experience migraines?
  • Do you take over the counter medication or receive a prescription?
  • What diagnostic procedures have you undergone (MRI, x-ray, etc.)?
  • Are there any patterns or environmental triggers attributable to your migraines?

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance 

Term insurance is a fixed amount that the insurance company pays to the beneficiary if the covered person dies within a certain period of time. It’s simple. Since it’s so simple, it’s cheaper. A lower administration fee because it’s hands off  as long as you pay your premiums.
