An Insight on How a Person with Dementia Feels


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As a care assistant, this is a small insight on how a person with dementia feels ❤❤ it is a terrible disease that enters your home and never leaves …it affects the person, family members and all those involved ❤❤

I have dementia ….but I still like my usual cups of tea and my biscuits just like I had at home…

I have dementia but I still love to have my choice of meals…

I have dementia but I still love to get up and retire to bed when I feel like it…

I have dementia but I still need a hug…

Read more: How to Recognize Dementia

I have dementia but I still want you to try and understand what I’m trying to communicate with you…

I have dementia but I still like to choose what I want to wear even though you might not like it but I do …

I have dementia but I still recognize your face and your voice when you approach me…

I have dementia but I still want to go out for a walk, or for a cup of tea, I love your company…

I have dementia but I still love my family and although I may not know their names I recognize them…

Read more: Open Discussion on Dementia

I know that I have dementia and at times I can be awkward and I shout And I upset everyone around me…..but listen it’s not my fault I am a good person please don’t forget that I have got dementia…

I didn’t ask for this unwanted visitor to come into my life it just knocked on my door…

I hate having dementia but I have to live with it and I know that I have to rely on someone to take care of me❤

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