IBS Destroys my Life One Day at a Time


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My story is about how I suffer from a number of things every day and there’s nothing I can do to prevent them or change them.

I will forever suffer from anxietyIBS, and depression.

I’ve had IBS(a stomach condition that is very painful and very unpredictable) and because I have this condition, there’s no way of knowing when I’ll have an attack which is extremely painful.

Read more: I Saved My Own Life

Another thing that I have is anxiety, I spend all the time worrying that I’ll have an attack at work and my boss won’t understand and I’ll lose my job.

As a single parent, I just can’t afford to lose my job and the fact that I’m constantly planning my entire life around a condition that there’s no cure for and no way around.

Even though I do everything I can manage it, it’s very depressing not being able to live the one life I have. Just the simple things like hanging out with friends, dating or just hanging with my son are very depressing.

Read more: 5 Ways to Survive an Anxiety Attack

I’ve had some very dark thoughts just thinking about the fact that I’ll be like this until I die.

My life will never change I’ll be in pain every day until I die.

What were your first IBS symptoms? Show your support by Commenting!