I am a Rape Victim


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My troubles started when I fell in love with my ex who is way older than me, but despite that age gap, I didn’t care. He went to my college. We met and became best friends and soon lovers who were madly in love with each other.

Read more: Being In an Abusive Relationship

Pretty soon, it got to a point where sex was the only thing on his mind. At first, I didn’t mind, but the more I told him no, the more I got stressed out and the less he listened. Before I knew it, he raped me, and it felt like total hell after that.

Read more: Depression and Anxiety Caused by Abuse

Luckily, I got out in time before I ended up pregnant. I write this story in the hope other girls don’t have to go through what I did. Not only was I a rape victim, but I live with night terrors of that night, and I wake from my sleep in a panic. It’s not fun, and I hope I will find a way to deal with it.

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