How to Prevent Migraines?


Many Migraineurs (people who suffer from migraines) have to rely on medication to prevent migraines. The upside is that medicine does work and there is also medication to take when you are having a migraine. The downside to drugs though is that it can react to other medications you are taking it may not be safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and there are side effects like vomiting and nausea.

If you suffer from migraines, you will be looking to find a cure, right? Have you looked throughout the internet, but cannot seem to find what you are looking for? Great! This article will help you understand some, of ways to prevent a migraine. There are quite a few different methods you can use. Obviously, if you see a direct link between an activity and your migraine, then you have somewhere to start.

For example, if you spend a lot of time watching television or on computers and you find a headache occurs, then reducing the amount of time spent behind the screen will obviously help.

  • Headache Diary

Many known triggers can begin the chain reaction of a migraine. Some of those triggers are low blood sugar, foods containing tyramine and nitrates (eggplant, potatoes, sausage, spinach, sugar, aged cheese, beer and red wine). Foods with high levels of MSG can also contribute to the triggering of a migraine. Keeping a headache diary can show you how to prevent headaches by knowing your particular triggers.

  • Know Your Symptoms

Many migraines are preceded by specific symptoms, known as Prodrome symptoms. At the onset of these warning signs, try to relax and maintain a positive attitude. Additional stress and anxiety can self-fulfill or worsen migraine pain. Prodrome symptoms can include mood changes, increased thirst, and fluid retention, increase or decrease in appetite, visual disturbances such as blind spots, flashing lights, or tingling or numbing sensations in the skin.

  • Biofeedback

This is another technique you can use to prevent a migraine. This is a high-tech relaxation aid in which you are hooked up to a mechanical unit that measures your skin temperature or muscular tension. With practice, you will learn to raise your body temperature or loosen your muscles. Either way, your body will relax.

  • Exercising

Physical activity relieves stress and boosts your levels of endorphins, the body’s pain-relieving chemicals. You should exercise at least three times per week starting with some moderate, noncompetitive workouts. Competitive exercise boosts your stress level.

  • Regular Sleep Schedule

Too little sleep and too much sleep can be migraine triggers. Find a healthy balance. Make an effort to sleep and get up at the same times. Disturbances in sleep schedules have been shown to trigger headaches in migraine sufferers. Never try to sleep overtime on the weekends so that you can get more time on the weekdays.

A migraine is discomforting and can hit you at a time when you need to be busy and productive. By learning how to prevent migraines headaches, you can liberate yourself from pain