How much Would you have? I would have $40

  • Slept for 8 hours but still feel Tired – $10
  • Someone has asked you if you’re ‘Sick ’ when you’re not – $15
  • Constant Stiffness – $20
  • Bumps/Nodules on joints – $10
  • Your Symptoms have come and gone in a minute – $15
  • You have to tell others that there is more than 1 type of Arthritis – $5
  • Looking at stairs and remembering why you don’t need to go up them anymore – $15
  • Having to tell a friend arthritis can happen in places other than the hands – $20
  • Joined an online Support Group  -$10
  • Looked into an Arthritis Clinical Research Study – $5
  • Buying a Super Super Comfy Chair – $20
  • Knee Pain – $25
  • Depression – $10

Comment below how much you would have and Share this article to help raise awareness.