How I Helped MCC Win the Vally of the Sun Bowl


How I helped MCC win the valley of the sun bowl

During 2016 and 2017 season MCC had an amazing football team and was able to make to the celebrated valley of the sun bowl. It was a tough season for the thunderbirds, but they made it though to the end and were able to reach the valley of the sun bowl.

It was a warm breezy Friday night and the stadium and the fans were all walking in and up and the excitement filled the air. This was to be the big game they were all waiting for and everyone was excited. Through the entire year the team worked very hard all year long and finally the goal of the team came true.

At the begging you can see the football team running into the game while the how crowd cheered as they run on to the field and right behind the football team was the mascot pumping up the crowd. Getting everyone ready to cheer and during the first and 2nd half I watched the mesa community college mascot cheer the team on with his signs and boy did he get the crowd going. Whenever our team was on D-fense the mascot lead the cheers and got everyone cheering D-fense and when the music played during timeout the mascot danced like crazy and everyone loved his dancing during the first quarter the other team made 3 touch downs we were behind by 21 points and the t bird kept on cheering on.

During the 2nd half the mascot once again cheered got everyone cheering we managed to score 2 touch downs while the other team scored one and there was a part at close to the end of 2nd round the cheer leaders were not cheering and the mascot got everyone cheering going back and forth with his signs of off fense and d fense and when timeout happened the t bird danced very fast everyone were cheering.

During the 3rd the t-bird did not come out So I took action I grabbed all the signs and got everyone cheering when the music played I danced so fast that my shoes went flying off my feet. And when we were on d fense I grabbed the signs cheered as loud as I could and got everyone cheering d fense and boy was the 3rd round crazy when we scored our touch down 2 times I grabbed the flag and ran back and forth cheering mesa on and also the other team scored once.

the 4th quarter we were tied so we went into overtime when we were on offence I stayed quiet and when we scored I ran back and forth cheering with the flag I was on fire! then it was there turn to go off fence and when they went on off fence I cheered like I never done before I got every last person to cheer for the team got everyone to say d fence off fence let’s go t-birds mesa etc. and then they scored…. Causing us to go double over time now this is something that never once has ever happened this season us going double overtime against any team During timeouts, I danced like crazy I defiantly entertained them all with my fast dancing moves I was following every single beat to the song moving And when we were d fence I cheered extremely loud got everyone to stand up and cheer it was amazing seeing everyone stand up and cheering for the team and getting everyone to say d fence and boy was d fence football team was doing great at their job they kept them back and prevented them from scoring so instead of the other team trying for a touchdown they hit a field goal and made it Then it was our time to go off fence mode and boy was the offence team on fire and during the double over time there was a ton of flags played but that didn’t stop them one bit and once again I got everyone to cheer and got everyone to cheer off fence and even the football players on the side lines cheered as well it was amazing best part of all at the last second of the game we scored the winning touchdown I couldn’t believe that we won the game everyone was shocked when that football player caught the ball and won the game for them the mcc football team went crazy since they won they picked the guy up and cheered for him like a parade and boy was I glad that I played a huge part on the victory.