How Food Changed My Life


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After returning from a study abroad trip, it was only two years ago, in 2016, I realized I had to make some changes. Although I wasn’t overweight, I didn’t feel comfortable in my skin and I knew that I needed to embark on a healthier lifestyle. Over two years later, my life is completely different, and I regard food/nutrition and exercise as some of my greatest passions. What began as running a bit and stopping myself from eating foods that were unhealthier or didn’t make me feel the best has lead me to be investigative and knowledgeable about everything I put into my body.

Read more: I have an Eating Disorder

I started eating healthy and workout, not for an image or confidence boost, but because I want to live a life that is both long and full. By eating a mostly plant-based diet (no meat but sometimes fish and certain cheeses), I feel and operate at the best level. Although I have always been a foodie, I have found a love for being in the kitchen and cooking either on my own or with my friends. Being healthy or changing different habits in your life is not an overnight process but rather something that ebbs and flows and changes with you throughout your life.

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