I Had Double Hip Replacement Due to Osteoarthritis

hip replacement

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I have always been very active since a young age.

Never did I imagine that what I always took for granted would soon be gone…use of my legs.

At the age of 40, I started having bad hip and leg pain. It continued to worsen making it harder for me to walk bend etc.

Read more: I have Osteoarthritis in my Right Hip

Dealing with this pain for 2 years and always needing my kids help to get up and down, walk etc. it was over I could walk any more.

It was time to go to dr. Well, it sure paid off. It was a very long painful journey but well worth it. Why, you ask?

Now at age 55 I am walking, jogging, playing with my grandkids, and active as ever. I had double hip replacement due to severe Osteoarthritis in both hips.

Read more: Mom Helped me with my Osteoarthritis Journey

Doctors were stunned how my hips got this bad. They said I had the hips of a 100-year-old. Well, I just want everyone to know that osteoarthritis can be helped and life isn’t over just because you have it.

What was your biggest Challenge when dealing with Osteoarthritis? Show your support by Commenting!