Here are Great Exercises for Those with Asthma


Exercise helps to control a person’s asthma problems. Many world-class athletes also have asthma including footballer David Beckham. The vital factor to control asthma and its symptoms are by taking up exercises. These exercises then help the person carry out activities such as slow walks or even signing up for a marathon.

Regular exercise can help ease asthma symptoms by improving the person’s lungs so that their stamina increases and don’t get breathless that often. It also improves the immune system so that asthma does not get triggered by a cough or the flu. Exercising supports weight loss which will decrease the chances of having an asthma attack.

Moreover, daily exercise can release chemicals in the human brain that lifts up the mood. Research has shown that being stressful and depressed can increase the chances of having an asthma attack. Therefore it is better to stay and happy and healthy. Constant exercising not only helps asthma but also improves the overall health of a person.

Some of the exercises to help with asthma include:


A recent study done on asthma patients showed that those who walked at least three times a week for 12 weeks actually controlled the chances of having asthma attacks. The participants walked for half an hour with 5-minute of warm up and cooldowns.


Yoga is one of the best ways to control asthma; it helps control a person’s breathing rate. According to Robert Graham, a medical specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital New York states that “breathing exercises can activate more areas of the lungs.” One study shows that those who took up Hatha Yoga 2 and a half hour a week for 10 weeks cut down their asthma medication.


Baseball is a comparatively much safer sport for those people who have asthma. Even so, people with asthma should make sure they are ready with their suitable medication. A recent research shows that 75% of the children who played baseball did not have a rescue inhaler handy.

Racquet Sports

Tennis, badminton and other racquet sports let the person expand energy on the court with breaks in between to rest and rehydrate themselves. Such sports can also be controlled. The energy put into these games are lessened if played with a partner.


A short distance track and field event with its limited blasts of action isn’t probably going to incite exercise-induced asthma. However, running a marathon may provoke an asthma attack. Long distance running should be avoided if the person is prone to coughing easily.


Swimming is a really good activity to control asthma attacks. According to Dr. Holbreich, “The ideal sport for asthmatics is swimming because you’re breathing in air that is highly humidified and often warm.” Also staying in a horizontal position can aid loosening the mucus built up at the bottom of the lungs. However, people should be careful of those pools that have a lot of chlorine as that could aggravate an asthma attack.
