What Helps me with Schizophrenia?


Do you accept yourself as a schizophrenic? and What do you do to motivate yourself to stay happy? Share your thoughts in the comments if you can relate.

diagnosedWhen I reached seventeen years old I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and had a rough time with the hospital and friends after that and I wound up staying with myself for five or seven years doing weekly then monthly visits to the psychotherapist.

I started to regain myself and tried to move out on my own to get future help at a boarding home and even though it was rough, I got to see other schizophrenics through my own eye day to day and got to learn some tips, which was the main idea.

I eventually moved out of home and got some help from a support worker and came to sense where it felt good to be around others even though I lived with a mental illness, I enrolled into programs and took advice from experts, I started learning thinking strategies and ways to keep myself comfortable with my illness and one of the biggest pieces of advice I learnt was to accept my illness.

Read more: Living with Schizophrenia

I look for my dad, mom and my mom’s boyfriend to keep me going, they never turn away from helping with whatever they can, which helps a lot along the way and gathered me up a lot.

listen to musicWhat motivates me is music I make and listen to music a lot, it may not always be the best thing to do but it helps! I find if I listen to my favorite genre it calms me down. I have friends who have the same condition that I have and I look for them to go out and do something to enjoy life like watching movies, eating out and talking on the phone and we would talk about our condition and our visits to the therapist, and I find having a friend with schizophrenia helps me with talking to someone about symptoms.

I believe there is always a better day and I put that in my head to make myself happy and I feel so much confidence that I feel happy, I won’t let up and just sit down without trying.

Do you accept yourself as a schizophrenic? and What do you do to motivate yourself to stay happy? Share your thoughts in the comments if you can relate.