I have Multiple Sclerosis and It is Not Fair


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In 2011 I was waiting tables at Red Lobster and I went to get change at the bar and all of a sudden I had an epileptic seizure which is the first one I have ever had. My manager, of course, called the ambulance and I was admitted to the hospital. After a lot of tests and a spinal tap, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. You could have heard a pin drop, I didn’t know what to think. I was completely confused. What are my kids and husband going to think?

It is 2018 and I just had an MRI and had bad news that I’m in remitting MS now. I have new lesions in my brain so they have to change my medication. The new medication has a lot of bad side effects and hasn’t been on the market long so I’m a little worried about the way it is going to affect me. I am only 43 years old and I feel too young to be suffering from a serious disease. My sons are 17 and a 20-year-old. Besides, there is my first grandbaby on the way. I don’t have time for this disease. I feel like it is on my way of enjoying my life the way I want to.

Describe the Way your Disease progressed. Share it in the Comments Below!