An Everyday Fight With Pain


How do you handle pain? Share to show your support!

I am a 44-year-old wife, mother, stepmother, aunt, and sister. I was a single mother (my son is now 15) until I married in 2015 and gained a stepdaughter who is 17 and a stepson who is 11. I have worked since I was 17 and was a paralegal for three wonderful attorneys when I got married. I had to resign from that job in late 2015 after my migraines, which I was diagnosed with at age 15, worsened yet again. Most days, I am barely able to get out of bed and complete the necessary daily household chores, much less go to work, even part-time. I have tried so many treatments, over-the-counter, prescription, massage, and chiropractic, but I cannot get them under control.

Read more: Diapers for Migraine Headaches

I have been accused of faking the pain or making it seem worse than it really is, and have lost friends and been brushed aside by family more times than I can count, even though both sisters, a brother, and my mother suffered from them too. I had an understanding husband who never complained and offered support until a few months ago. Now I am regularly accused of being lazy and punished with emotional blackmail.

I share all of that to say that I have wanted to just give up these past few months, and I feel pretty worthless most days, but I am trying to be strong for myself and my family. My inspiration is my son as well as thoughts of how good our future can be if I just keep going. I pray a lot, and the migraine support groups I have joined are a great source of comfort, even on my worst days.

Read more: Migraine Life

I want to show my son, who has also been diagnosed, that things can change and get better if you persevere and fight for the best healthcare available. I will continue to fight no matter what I face and I have gained valuable knowledge and willpower from this fight. I try to find a positive side even on the worst pain days, and not be depressed or resigned because of the migraines and what they have cost me. I can only hope that I have shown my son that anything is possible and that a successful treatment will come soon.

How do you handle pain? Share to show your support!