My Energy Level? Close to Zero!


What’s the most frustrating part of Fibromyalgia? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

TroubleOut of all the symptoms Fibromyalgia brings, for me the fatigue is the absolute worst. This has been a very strange week for me. I spent almost every day on my sofa, it is so frustrating because your mind wants to do so much! But your body does not react… is like being stuck in time…everything around you is evolving except you.

Must of the time, I’m able to fight back the fatigue, but this week was so out of my range. Right now, I’m typing with my eyes closed…THAT’S HOW BAD! Even staying awake is a hard task… don’t even mention taking a bath….my body is so heavy! Muscles are so sore!

There are some days that I have no problem enjoying my life. I finish working around the house, I can go out and enjoy the day. But some days, like this one, I don’t have the energy do anything. I can just lay down and hope the pain will go away. When I have days like today, actually like this whole week, I rely on the support of the people that are closest to me. They mean everything to me and I am grateful to have them in my life.

If you read this article and, have a relative or a friend suffering fibromyalgia, please let them know that you understand. Support makes everything better.

Just keep swimming, wait for the pain-free day.

What’s the most frustrating part of Fibromyalgia? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.