Endometriosis Took My Happiness Away


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My journey starts in 2007 when I had an ectopic pregnancy. They had to remove my right tube. I was 14 weeks along.

After that, my whole world came crashing down around me. The pain and bleeding that followed were insanely unbearable I couldn’t move out of bed to care for my 3 children. I went to several different doctors before I found one that believed me.

He was amazing and did a laparoscopy immediately, finding endometriosis, scar tissue, and pelvic congestive syndrome. I went on hormone therapy but it wasn’t working so I had my third surgery.

Read more: How Endometriosis Changed My Life

I had one more rainbow baby before we decided the most effective way to treat this disease was to do a hysterectomy. My mind went crazy. The worst thing in the world was to lose the only thing God gave me: the ability to have children.

I pondered this for a while before going through with it in 2014. Four years later, I am going under the knife…for the 6th time.

This disease takes over your life. I have literally been in bed for 3 months with debilitating pain. There needs to be more awareness and options of the care of this disease.

Read more: The Emotions of Endometriosis

My children have missed out on having a mother because of this disease. It has robbed me of enjoying my 30’s and my growing kids.

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